[url= THINGS I CANNOT DENY: October 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Here Comes the Sun.....Beware

Remember when tanning was in? Well, no more my friends.

About a week ago I went to my dermatologist to get two (not one!) but two basal cell melanomas removed. Yep, I had skin cancer from the big ball in the sky.

Thankfully, my docor called and confirmed that they successfully removed all the cancerous cells.

So instead of two melanomas I now will have two scars one on each side of my legs.

I've affectionitely named them "Lurch" and "Uncle Fester". (not ever be confused with my boobs-Pancho and Lefty).

But what a new addition Lurch and Uncle Fester will make.....

Friday, October 06, 2006

Kids Do the Darndest Things...

Those of you who are parents,aunts , uncles or work with kids will appreciate this....

Thursday at work I overhead that a 5th grade girl brought a vibrator to school.

She explained to her male 5th grade teacher, "It relaxes me and makes me feel REALLY good."

He told his 5th grade female co-teacher that he had " A female non-dress code issue for her to work with." I think this incident took exactly 30 minutes to make its way through the entire school!

At least its better than bringing a gun to school. Vibrators for everyone!!!!!!