[url= THINGS I CANNOT DENY: Letter Day..New, Bigger, Improved "Z"

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Letter Day..New, Bigger, Improved "Z"

OK, so Baby G assigned me the letter "z".....here goes

1. ZIPPY -needs no explanation if you've been hashing. A dear, dear hasher who forever is now known for his trails. Never leave camp!

2. ZOLOFT- Similiar to PROZAC, CELEXA etc...I wish I had some of this so I could handle the meeting I'm about to go into! I think all places of work should have coffee, soft drinks and prozac. The work place would be much nicer.....as for getting things done....who knows?

3. ZIEGENBOCK- Wish I had a six-pack of this on my desk right now. Would make lunch time much, much, better

4. ZIGGY -ZAG, ZIGGY -ZAG-yup, another hash favorite. If you don't know this saying then evidently you've not been staying around for circle. Shame on you...and many down-downs.

5. ZOOT-SUITS- never really in fashion and never really out of fashion. Just a plain fashion faux-pas if you ask me.

6. ZORRO- A swahbuckling hero that was portrayed by (among others) Antonio Banderas. There is also a "Zorro the Gay-blade" which I have not seen ....any out there seen it?

7. and 8.ZERO, ZILCH- kinda obvious.......

9. ZEALOUS- really having lots of enthusiasm. Kinda like when its 4:30 and time for me to leave work...I get really ZEALOUS

10. ZITS- I thought I was done with these pesky little buggers when I was in my teens. But, nooooooo guess these guys like to plague everyone...even into adulthood. Thank goodness for good concealing make-up!

BONUS #11. ZOINKS!-Who can forget this from Scooby-Doo. Also, just exactly what was in those Scooby snacks?!?!?!

Zippy do da...Zippy de day....


Blogger babyG said...

You have to be given a letter, not just pick one ...lol So your new letter is Z

because Raf all ready gave me the letter P

Thursday, May 18, 2006  
Blogger babyG said...

and that TEN words ...lol

Thursday, May 18, 2006  
Blogger Denial Queen said...

Baby G- Sorry I can not read your blog for some reason ?!?!?!??! So I didn't see that you already did the letter "P". Z, huh? I'll get right on that........uhhuh

EZ-2 weeks is a short time...remember I am a procrastinator who needs prozac from her poser-boys who eat poo-poo platters and read lots of pornography!

Friday, May 19, 2006  
Blogger Jerri said...

RAF didn't give you the letter P - I did!!! :-P

Friday, May 19, 2006  
Blogger Jerri said...

RAF didn't give you the letter P - I did!!! :-P

Friday, May 19, 2006  
Blogger Jerri said...

Poo poo Platter!


That's probably why I've never tried it!!

Friday, May 19, 2006  
Blogger Rafael said...

I gave you some pee, but not the letter P. Wait, that doesn't make much sense, but it sounds funny. I think.

Sunday, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Barbara said...

Poo-Pooo Plater is Hawiian:)...and it's very yummy. Whatcha going to do next weekend with you friends?

Sunday, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Denial Queen said...

I gotta do "z" I'll get to it later today :)

TW-I think we are either going to stay in town and party on a friend of mine's boat or go to Houston and stay with Rubbin' and listen to his band......

Monday, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Denial Queen said...

OK...its now "Z"....any input for #10?????

Monday, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Rafael said...

how about "zzzz" as in boring

Monday, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Rafael said...

Seriously tho, I've seen the gay blade, thank God all I remember is to not watch it again

Monday, May 22, 2006  
Blogger RTBW said...

zorro's pretty cool. actually a small bit of inspiration for the character batman by bob kane. also some trivia - in the comic books / early batman movies in the 40's the wayne family is watching you guessed it, The Mark of Zorro. I'll have to throw a Zorro Gay Blade Party and have everyone dress up in black and a mask.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006  
Blogger Jerri said...

Zippy Zorro was a zero after he took Zoloft and zilch Ziegenbocks which resulted in zits and wearing of zoot suits while doing the ziqqy zag in circle and shouting, "Zoinks, Shaggy!"

That letter sucked. I give you a new letter - K.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006  

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