[url= THINGS I CANNOT DENY: Hash Drama....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hash Drama....

Seems everywhere you look at times there is drama.

I'm dealing with more than I can handle right now. I had been in a ...errr....um.....I guess "relationship" with an out of town hasher (very close to my blog name). A situation has arisen which keeps me UNFORTUNATELY involved with this person.

Anyway, this "thorn in my side" otherwise known as a "prick" has decided much AGAINST my desires to come to an event in which I kindly asked him not too.
Insensitive? Credulous? or Just plain spiteful...who knows.

What to do ? What to do????

http://www.teammanwhore.com <- Maybe he can go shopping so he can proudly display his heart on his ...errr...body!


Blogger RTBW said...

that's a tough one. i think the event might be big enough so you wouldn't have to see him or get anywhere near him if you didn't want to.

another of my 2cent rambling comments

Wednesday, March 01, 2006  
Blogger Denial Queen said...

Thanks, I'm gearing up for that. Enough people know already about his character.....sad, really.

Thursday, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Chlamydia said...

Not to be insensitive to your plight (but what the hell, it's what I'm good at) is it really fair to ask someone to limit their activities so that you don't have to deal with them? I don't mean this to be condescending but you're an adultl, you can deal with it -so just do it.


Thursday, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Denial Queen said...

In this case yes, won;t go into details here but I'll fill ya in at TXIH. Any person who didn't have reptilian feelings would understand.....
Even those from Brokeback Mountain :) Love ya, C

Thursday, March 02, 2006  

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